Is Age Really Just a Number? Science says...

I recently celebrated my 44th birthday, and was chatting with a friend who turned 50 and is also a professor of Exercise Science at a prestigious university. The conversation quickly pivoted to people we know that seem to use age as an excuse as they get older, and say things like, “Oh, I’d try that if I was in my 30’s. My body just can’t handle that.”

And of course, being the science nerds we are, we both wondered what the literature says about how our perception of age impacts the actual aging process, and what I found was startling.

The perception of one's own aging process, known as subjective aging, has been garnering the interest of researchers because of it’s potential impact on health outcomes and longevity. Here are a few key insights I found from the available literature:

Positive Self-Perception and Longevity 

  • Individuals with more positive self-perceptions of aging tend to live longer, with some studies showing an increase in lifespan by up to 7.5 years (4,5,8).

Health Outcomes and Subjective Aging

  • Positive perceptions of aging are associated with better physical health, including lower rates of obesity, better performance in daily activities, and reduced incidence of diseases (1,2,5).

  • Negative perceptions of aging correlate with poorer health outcomes, including higher levels of depression and cognitive decline (3,5).

Quality of Life

  • A positive perception of aging is strongly linked to higher quality of life, encompassing better physical, psychological, and general well-being (3,9).

  • Negative perceptions of aging are associated with lower quality of life and increased psychological distress (3,9).

Health Behaviors

  • Subjective aging influences health behaviors, with positive perceptions leading to healthier lifestyle choices and better health maintenance (2,5).

Psychosocial Factors

  • Psychological dimensions such as self-esteem and coping mechanisms are significant predictors of quality of life in older adults, with positive aging perceptions playing a crucial role (9).

So, what's the verdict?

Well, it turns out that how we think about aging can actually shape our health, quality of life, and even how long we live. Pretty wild, right? The research shows that folks who have a more positive outlook on aging tend to be healthier, live longer, and enjoy life more. On the flip side, those who view aging negatively often face more health issues and don't enjoy life as much.

Here's the kicker: this isn't just about thinking happy thoughts. These perceptions can influence our behaviors, how we take care of ourselves, and even how our bodies respond to stress. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy, but with real, measurable impacts on our health and longevity.

What does this mean for us?

Well, it suggests that we might want to rethink how we talk about and approach aging. Instead of dreading each birthday, maybe we should be celebrating the wisdom and experiences we've gained.

Instead of resigning ourselves to the inevitability of aging, why not embrace it as an opportunity for growth? Challenge yourself with new physical and mental pursuits. Train for a Spartan Race, dive into the world of prompt engineering, or take up pickleball and compete in a tournament. The key is to push your boundaries and have fun doing it.

Remember, age is just a number – it's how you use it that counts!

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Debunking the Protein Timing Myth: What Really Matters for Muscle Growth

For years, fitness enthusiasts have sworn by the "anabolic window" - that crucial post-workout period when consuming protein supposedly supercharges muscle growth. But does timing your protein intake really make a difference?

A recent study published in Frontiers in Nutrition challenges this long-held belief.

The study followed resistance-trained men consuming high-protein diets (about 2 grams per kilogram of body weight daily) over an 8-week period. One group consumed protein immediately before and after workouts, while the other group consumed it 3 hours before and after.

Surprisingly, there were no significant differences in muscle mass or strength gains between the two groups. This suggests that the timing of protein intake may not be as critical as once thought.

So, what does matter for muscle growth? The study reinforces that total daily protein intake is far more important than timing. Consuming adequate protein throughout the day, regardless of precise timing around workouts, appears to be the key factor in supporting muscle growth and recovery. This aligns with a growing body of evidence suggesting that the "anabolic window" may be much wider than previously believed - potentially lasting several hours before and after exercise.


  1. Focus on meeting your total daily protein needs (aim for at least 1.6 grams per kilogram of body weight) rather than stressing about exact timing.

  2. Spread your protein intake across 3-6 meals throughout the day to maintain a steady supply of amino acids.

  3. Consume a protein-rich meal within a few hours before and after your workout, but don't panic if you can't immediately have a post-workout shake.

  4. Choose high-quality protein sources like lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy, and plant-based options such as legumes and soy products.

  5. Remember that consistency in your overall diet and training program is likely more important than perfect protein timing for long-term muscle growth.

Favorite Finds…

Below are some of my favorite articles, tweets, and facts that I've recently discovered and believe you’ll find interesting.

40% of most recreational athletes don’t consume enough calories, and it’s costing them (link)

Adam Grant: Can you shorten the work week without sacrificing productivity? (Link)

Are runners more likely to commit violent crime? (Link)

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Your morning cup of coffee might be doing more harm than good!

Purity Coffee has pioneered a new category of health-focused coffee. From seed to cup, they've reimagined the entire coffee supply chain in an effort to create the world’s healthiest coffee.

Their specialty-grade organic coffee is lab-tested for contaminants and roasted to optimize antioxidants, ensuring their customers drink a delicious brew that supports their well-being.

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Yours in Wellness,


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