🎧 The Cash Flow Secret: How To Buy Your Life Back With Ryan D. Lee

You’re in for another fantastic guest line up on The BluePrint this week. Today, financial expert, Ryan D. Lee, shares his personal journey of climbing the corporate ladder, only to realize he was sacrificing everything that truly mattered. He discovered what matters most is how much income your assets produce. Quit trading your life for a paycheck and learn why playing the "average" game won't lead to above-average results.

On Wednesday, I dive into heart rate variability (HRV) and discuss how to accurately interpret your HRV data, the true meaning behind HRV spikes and drops, how to make informed decisions about your health and performance, and more.

And on Friday, the co-founder of BUBS Naturals, Sean Lake, shares the game-changing benefits of collagen protein for joint health, injury prevention, and overall wellness. Lake reveals his personal journey of eliminating chronic pain and optimizing his health in his 50s by strategically supplementing with collagen. All this and much more coming up on The BluePrint this week.

Are you trapped in the corporate rat race, trading your life for a paycheck?

In this powerful episode, financial expert, Ryan D. Lee, shares his personal journey of climbing the corporate ladder, only to realize he was sacrificing everything that truly mattered. After a health scare with his son and watching his retirement accounts plummet in 2008, Ryan had a wake-up call. He discovered that net worth means nothing; what matters is how much income your assets produce.

In this episode, you’ll discover:

  • Why the traditional retirement plan is failing most people.

  • The biggest risk you face in uncertain economic times.

  • How to determine how much money you really need to retire.

  • Why playing the "average" game won't lead to above-average results.

  • The crucial question you must answer before taking money out of your portfolio.

Learn more about Ryan, take advantage of Ryan’s Retirement Calculator: Wealth Outside of Wall Street, and connect with him on Instagram or Facebook. Plus, don’t miss his podcast Rise Up. Live Free.

Could you be misinterpreting your heart rate variability (HRV) data? In this episode, I share my recent experience with HRV spikes and reveal why they might not always be a positive health indicator.

In this episode you’ll learn how to accurately interpret your HRV data and make informed decisions about your health and performance.

You’ll also discover:

  • The true meaning behind HRV spikes and drops.

  • When an HRV spike is a positive sign and when it's not.

  • How to respond to HRV spikes during stressful periods.

  • The importance of context when interpreting HRV data.

I’d love to connect on Instagram, YouTube, or LinkedIn. And, you can enjoy my newsletter, Adaptation, with practical mind and body resilience techniques used by world-class performers, delivered to inboxes each Friday. Plus, you can start AIM7 for Free or book Erik for your next event.

Discover the game-changing benefits of collagen protein for joint health, injury prevention and overall wellness. Sean Lake, co-founder of BUBS Naturals, shares his personal journey of eliminating chronic pain and optimizing his health in his 50s by strategically supplementing with collagen.

Learn the ideal dosage and timing to maximize results, and get bonus tips on staying fit and mentally sharp as a busy entrepreneur.

You’ll learn:

  • How collagen supplementation can reduce joint pain and enhance mobility.

  • Collagen's effects on tendons, skin, hair and nails.

  • Ideal serving sizes and how to time doses for best results.

  • Sean's secrets to maintaining a consistent and fun fitness routine in your 50s.

  • How to develop mental fitness practices to manage stress and negative self-talk.

The power of personal narratives in fueling motivation and resilience If you've ever struggled to stay the course when things get tough, this episode will give you a rich toolkit of ideas and practices to keep moving forward with passion and purpose.

You can connect with Sean on LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook.

Yours in Wellness,

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