What's Your Hype Number?

What’s Your Hype Number?

I recently caught up with Tony Sandoval, a dear friend and one of the best coaches I know. Tony is masterful at creating deep connections with his athletes, and he shared a transformative concept he's been working on: the hype number.

Tony gauges an athlete's readiness to train or perform by asking about their hype number. Everyone requires a different level of stimulation to perform at their best, like a unique spiritual fingerprint that God has blessed each of us with.

Some athletes need to arouse themselves to hone their focus, while others thrive in a calm mental state. By asking athletes about their hype number, he helps them develop internal awareness (interoception) and guides them into their zone of optimal function—their sweet spot of peak performance.

Let's say you perform best at a hype number of 6 out of 10, with 1 being a coma state and 10 being almost in a state of panic. If you're at an 8, you're over-stimulated and won't perform well. If you're at a 3, you're under-stimulated and will have similar results.

After identifying their arousal level, Tony uses breathwork tools, visualization, and other techniques to help athletes calibrate their internal state. When this is done consistently, athletes learn to regulate themselves, which is critical for stable and consistent performance.

I believe that a finely tuned interoception and ability to auto-regulate is one of the hallmarks of an elite performer in any field.

Here are 3 action steps to implement this powerful concept:

1. Develop Your Awareness

Start each day by rating your own hype number. Journal about how different levels feel and how they impact your performance. This daily practice will strengthen your connection with your internal state.

2. Create Your Toolbox

Build a personal collection of techniques that help you adjust your arousal levels. This might include breathwork, prayer, visualization, or visual/audio stimulation. Test these tools in different situations to understand their impact.

3. Practice Consistent Calibration Set three daily check-in times to assess and adjust your hype number. Remember, this isn't just about athletic performance – it applies to presentations, important conversations, and any situation where your state matters.

Remember, this journey of self-awareness honors how we're uniquely designed to function. By understanding and regulating our internal state, we can fulfill our purpose and reach our full potential.

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  1. Global consensus on exercise recommendations to live longer (link)

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  3. Is exercise the best supplement for boosting working memory? (link)

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Yours in Wellness,


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