Why I am Thankful for Trials

2023 has been a year of growth fueled by a fair share of trials and difficulties. As I reflect on the challenges I’ve faced, I feel immense gratitude that God thankful God has allowed me to walk through them.

Biologically speaking, we humans only improve through stress. Stress fuels adaptation and change. It stretches our character, strengthening us for future storms.

For months, my small church group has studied the Book of Job. For those unfamiliar, here's a brief summary:

Job was a righteous, wealthy, and prominent man who seemingly lost everything in a series of tragedies - his family, possessions, even his friends turned against him. Unbeknownst to Job, this was a test permitted by God, who was confident of Job's virtue.

After a period of intense suffering and questioning, God appears to Job in a whirlwind. He affirms Job's righteousness and makes clear that He has been in control all along. A profound and humbling realization for Job. In the end, God restores all that Job had lost, even doubling his prior wealth.

Now, I'm not suggesting our struggles will end the same way. But through faith and an eternal perspective, we can trust that God ultimately uses all trials for good, if we embrace them constructively.

So on this Thanksgiving day, I’m thankful for the storm. Because with the storm comes rain, and with the rain, life.